What Clients Say

Barbara mi ha aiutato sin dal mio arrivo a Londra a migliorare le mie competenze linguistiche e ad integrarmi alla cultura Inglese. Senza il sostegno di un professore come Barbara, sarebbe stato difficile per me progredire nella mia carriera cosi’ velocemente. Grazie alla preparazione fatta con lei e ai suoi consigli sono riuscita ad ottenere un incarico importante in una grande azienda americana. Sono molto grata di quello che Barbara e’ stata in grado di darmi.

Dès mon arrivée à Londres, Barbara a été d’une grande aide pour mon intégration à la vie britannique, tant pour le perfectionnement de la langue anglaise que pour la compréhension des spécificités locales et différences culturelles, ingrédients indispensables à une bonne adaptation. De part son expérience professionnelle, Barbara est bien plus qu’une professeur d’anglais, elle est aussi un précieux soutien lors de chaque évolution de ma carrière, par exemple pour préparer des entretiens ou présentations internes, ou bien revoir des lettres de motivation et CVs.

Barbara ist eine sehr sympathische, engagierte und strukturierte Lehrerin, die Englisch auf einem sehr hohen Niveau mit Geduld und Freude unterrichtet. Ihre Unterrichtseinheiten waren immer gut vorbereitet und durchdacht. Sie identifiziert schnell die Bedürfnisse und Schwächen des Kunden und passt ihren Unterricht unkompliziert daran an. Zudem hat sie mir auf einfühlsame und unterhaltsame Weise geholfen, Hemmungen beim Sprechen abzubauen und selbstbewusster zu werden. Deshalb habe ich mich stets auf die Stunden mit ihr gefreut. Ich würde Barbara zu jeder Zeit und für jedes Sprachniveau weiter empfehlen. Es hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht, mir ihr zu arbeiten.

I would like to thank you for your interesting class on business English. I've enjoyed learning with you so much. You created a very open and professional atmosphere. I always had the feeling of being able to ask every question I had.
Also, I think I quickly improved because of your advice. Your corrections were very specific and helpful. Your class was very well structured and I was able to follow your instructions very well.
In addition, you provided so much interesting material about cultural differences that helped me better understand the differences in conversations between Germans and people from other countries. Furthermore, I highly appreciated our interesting discussions about all kinds of topics.
Thank you for being such a committed and great teacher. You give the course with an enthusiasm for the subject that is palpable.

Barbara taught Business English and communication skills to a number of my corporate clients. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and repeat business as a result of her training was undeniable. She is a highly-skilled coach, trainer and teacher, adept at working with C-suite professionals. Her clients have nothing but the highest respect for her and the quality of her training.

J’ai eu la chance, pendant plus de 5 années, d’avoir eu Barbara Wilmot, comme Professeur d’anglais. Une personne ouverte au monde et aux langues.
J’ai suivi des cours particuliers, en one to one, 1 semaine par mois, à Londres.
Barbara est brillante, intuitive et a su au fil du temps me mettre en confiance.
Timide, j’ai pu améliorer progressivement mon anglais, à l’oral, avec une aisance naturelle.
Elle a toutes les qualités requises pour enseigner, à tous les niveaux et sur des sujets très divers, en l’occurrence l’Histoire, ma passion.
Elle enseigne le « Queen’s English Language ». Elle transmet à son élève un anglais parfait et distingué. Elle a su m’enseigner « les uses et coutumes » du Royaume Uni, indispensables pour un bon apprentissage de la langue anglaise.
Parlant parfaitement le français, elle a su me guider et éviter « le franglais ».
Je ne peux que recommander, les yeux fermés, Barbara Wilmot pour atteindre le meilleur niveau d’anglais souhaité, qu’il soit Scolaire, Universitaire, ou Professionnel.

Con Barbara si apprende non solo l'inglese, ma anche uno stile di comunicazione elegante ed efficace. Le sue lezioni creano dipendenza! 

Barbara offers invaluable insight on the nuances of the English language, the rich British culture and on how to do proper networking and keep client relationships intact. Her lessons teach you that to properly use a language, you also need to get a good understanding of the people who are using it. With her support, your English will not stay a mere means of communication but evolve into a business tool to voice your opinion and advance your career.”
Thank you, Barbara!

I have really enjoyed working with Barbara as she is a wonderful teacher and an amazing coach. She didn’t just help me improving my English spoken and written level but she also supported me on how to be better at my daily working activities when dealing with British stakeholders.
Barbara helped me boost my performance at work by providing me with the knowledge and the skills to deal with the English speaker stakeholders in a more effective way. Barbara has also helped me increase my self-confidence when dealing with English native speakers and making sure I had the tools to manage difficult and critical conversations with them.
I would strongly recommend working with Barbara as I am sure she will help you to be more effective at work and your private life by enhancing your language skills and also by providing you with the perfect tools to interact and deal with British native speakers and be more effective in your daily activities.